W is for all kinds of Wonderful Words but especially, in my mind, the Women’s Fiction Writers Association. WFWA is about a year old and run by volunteers. I think a few writers of women’s fiction left Romance Writers of America when a shift of focus left many of them out in the cold. I’m so glad to see an organization specifically for women’s fiction. Remember the book I’m working on where the heroine lies … it’s women’s fiction.
WFWA has this description on its website: An inclusive organization of writers who create stories about a woman’s emotional journey.
My book is definitely about a woman’s emotional journey! I feel like jumping up and down and yelling, I have a home! I have a home! It’s called WFWA.
These men and women (yes, men!) are career focused when it comes to networking, education and continuing support in career growth.
I hope you’ll visit our website, https://womensfictionwriters.org/ and if you decide to join, the dues are $48.00 a year, and worth every penny. The website has Wonderful resources and the community has Wonderful discussions. I’ve enjoyed having authors of women’s fiction at my fingertips–all in one spot–where I can ask questions and get answers. I believe when you visit their website, you’ll be able to click on a directory to see published WF authors. Check it out and see the important and best selling names listed there.
If you decide to join Women’s Fiction Writers Association, don’t forget to ‘friend’ me and let met know you’re there. As a member you’ll get the bimonthly Write On, our eZine. I’m the volunteer highlights editor. Also, our members receive a weekly Industry Update. We have classes–many of them free–and a contest for our members entitled, Rising Star. Next year we’ll hold our first writer’s retreat in San Antonio, Texas!
I’m so excited about this group. Please, check it out! Go to https://womensfictionwriters.org/.
If you have any questions, just ask me and I’ll get the answers for you.
Have a great weekend!
Join me as I blog through the alphabet. We post every day in April except Sundays. There are many others participating in the 2014 A to Z Challenge too, which is the brainchild of Arlee Bird at Tossing it Out. I’d like to encourage you to visit their entertaining, informative blogs. I’m amazed at the many talented people who participate in the A to Z Challenge.
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