Sometimes my WIPS (works in progress) come across UNCONVINCINGto contest judges and/or editors. I take that to mean they aren’t buying into the plot, the conflict, that the entire story is flimsy or implausible or just downright lame. Most of the time I tell myself, that’s just their opinion but I have to admit their comments affect me–probably way too much. I end upwith an UNFINISHED partial manuscript because I’ve become UNINSPIRED. My writing is suddenly bland, dull and uncreative to me. I doubt myself because of something they’ve said. Just like you, I’m sure, I long to write a novel that’s UNIQUE. Yeah, I know, there’s nothing unique in this world, but there are books that are distinctive, exceptional in their own way, extraordinary compared to a lot of other books.
Have you read a book with a really UNIQUE plotline lately? Share!