The Insecure Writer’s Support Group was created by Alex Cavanaugh. The purpose of IWSG is to share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!
First an apology! I believe I slept through last month’s IWSG posting. Odd, considering how much I look forward to it. Maybe I had a lot on my plate. I hope you do too–have a lot on your plate, I mean. Having deadlines, ideas and staying busy with our writing is encouragement in itself, don’t you think?
I always wonder when someone asks what my book is about if they really want to know. My explanations are brief—probably too brief to do my book justice! That’s why I like to blog. When I’m asked about my writing, it’s easier to hand the person my card and say, “Visit my blog and get to know me.” Or, “Visit my blog and see my new cover.” Or, “Visit my blog and read about all my writer friends!”
I can’t stress the importance of a business card. For writer’s conferences they’re a must, and don’t underestimate their value when it comes to your everyday living, shopping, hanging out at your favorite coffee shop. I have friends who always leave a card with their tip so their server can check out their books. Another friend tucks her card in with her check when she pays bills. I’ve been known to place my business card in library books or magazines at the book store—a good reason not to have your home address or phone number on them.
Do you have a business card? If not, make some—using good quality paper. I order mine from Vistaprint and utilize the backside too. Click on the pic to make it larger.
How do you use your business cards? Share some creative ways you get your name out there using them.
On another note, I’d like to help promote you—whether you have a business card or not! Check out my Be My Guest post for details. Scroll down to read L. Diane Wolfe’s post on how to write a nonfiction book. Diane was my first guest. Join her … read my guidelines carefully, and be my guest!