We’ve reached the end of our A to Z Blogging Challenge. I made it! It sure got tedious reliving my renovation experience. I’m glad it’s over! For more information on the challenge and its creator, and to read other bloggers please visit: http://www.a-to-zchallenge.com
My Z is for zealous. I remember how zealous my contractor was when he began our construction, and how that enthusiasm tapered off after the first week or two. That describes me too when I start a new writing project. I jump in with energy and excitement, but then I reach a tough spot and put off dealing with it. Procrastination sets in. Often I never pick up that project again. I start a new one…. only to do the same thing.
Sometimes you hear writers compare writing a novel to building a house. I see the similarity. When it comes to finishing my projects, I’m as bad as Mr. Contractor. In our case, we had to let our contractor go–he couldn’t be trusted to do the job right. We hired others to finish the project.
I’m wondering–should I turn my many unfinished projects over to another writer…? Mmmm.
I’ve enjoyed the 2015 A to Z Challenge. I hope you have. See you next year?