I’m blogging my way through the alphabet with many others participating in the 2014 A to Z Challenge. The A to Z Challenge is the brainchild of Arlee Bird at Tossing it Out. We post every day in April except Sundays.
P is for Pinterest. What it is it? What does it do? How and what’s the point. Here’s an article that will answer those questions and tell you why you’ll become addicted.
And believe me, addicted is the correct word. I believe my daughter has planned her entire wedding by searching Pinterest. We’ve figured out our table centerpieces (three books tied with twine), our literary couples–the happy ones! Yes, it’s a literary wedding. The groom has selected his groom’s table–pies, pies and more pies! Pinterest can “help” you do anything. While looking for a recipe with a certain ingredient, all I have to do is put it in the search engine and I find hundreds.
More importantly, Pinterest is great for writers. Authors are taking full advantage. Some have their entire books on Pinterest. They build visuals. In the old days we created graphic poster boards to inspire us, with everything that reminded us of our stories, but now, we post the hero and heroine’s homes, their jewelry, their clothing, their faces, the city they live in with its landmarks. I haven’t done it but only because I haven’t found the time. I hear it’s great promo!
Other authors have writing tips. I hope you can go to this page to see what it’s all about. And here’s a good one too! So much fun! So informative.
I have several Pinterest boards: Praise, Prayers and Observations is filled with quotes and a few insignificant things I fancy. My second board is Heroes and Heroines I Think of While Writing. Beautiful people. My last two boards are Someday Recipes (vegetarian) and Someday Fun Projects. You can take a look at all my boards at this link.
If you have to sign in, it’s simple. Don’t worry about doing so. I’ve never received any spam or unnecessary messages from Pinterest. They do notify me when I have a new follower or someone has pinned one of my pics.
You’ll have a great time creating your own writing world … or any kind of world for that matter. You can also make it private so you don’t have to share with the rest of us.
Do you pin? What’s the subject of your boards? If not, why don’t you give it a try? It’s a new experience. It’s inspiring! I love it. I know you will too!
If you pin, leave a link to your favorite board.