I’m looking forward to being back, even though Oklahoma has been a great adventure. We’ve made a lot of friends, found a wonderful church and I’ll miss meeting my friend Janie at the Mustang Library several times a month for a writing day.
Every move we’ve made, I’ve faced readjustment and a new writing schedule. I know that my writing always suffers until I acclimate. This time could be a little different: hubby is going to retire and I’m facing permanence.
We often say, “Nothing lasts forever” or “This, too, shall pass” or “There’s a light at the end of the tunnel.” That’s the thing—there’s always been a light at the end of the tunnel for us if we didn’t like a place.
The word permanence makes me uneasy. Same 0’ same 0’ scares me. A routine life sounds both appealing and boring. Okay, we’re facing another adventure, but will we like it?
Do you have any tips? Share a writing schedule with me. If you were/are retired and wake up in the same place every day with no demands made on your life, what would you do?