We’ll be holed up in a hotel until we find a place to live. We’re going with nothing more than knapsacks on our backs. Don’t re-read that sentence; you read it right the first time. We’re taking nothing but cooking utensils, clothes, a TV, laptops and books. Everything else we’ll purchase there so get those garage sales ready. Don’t wrinkle that nose, we will buy a new bed and bring it home with us when we come, but for the rest of it–we aren’t buying anything we can’t walk away from when our year is over.
So while our very trustworthy, diligent housesitters are watching over our home, (and putting up with me when I decide I just have to come home to check on/fondle my missed possessions) we’ll be roughing it in the wiles of Oklahoma. You’ll hear from me again when I get there. Keep your fingers crossed, wish us luck, or pray–whichever works best for you.