Today is IWSG Day because it’s the first Wednesday in June. IWSG stands for Insecure Writers Support Group and was founded by Alex J. Cavanaugh. You can follow other IWSG members here or on twitter using the hashtag #IWSG. We also have a Facebook page. The purpose of IWSG is to share and encourage so I hope you get something out of this mini-post.
The time here in Lake Charles, Louisiana is 12:40. Yes, after midnight. Once again I’m burning the midnight oil trying to meet a deadline—the IWSG deadline. My days run together … I thought it was Monday, not Tuesday.
I’ve been wondering what everyone has done since the A to Z Challenge? I’ve been writing and traveling. Ready to stay home for awhile.
My coaching client is still a participant in the Kindle Scout Publishing competition. She has eight days left if you’d like to take a look at the first few chapters of The Wrong and nominate it for a contract. I’m thrilled that she finished her book and submitted to the Amazon Kindle Scout Publishing Program. Believe it or not, that takes a lot of courage. I don’t know that I would have the courage to do it with any one of my novels. She put herself out there. Here’s the link if you want to offer encouragement by voting. It’s simple as pie but after you nominate, you’ll have to sign in to Amazon with your password.
Thirty-one days have passed since our A to Z Challenge. That’s enough time to write a novella, several articles, plot and outline a book or take an online class. No, I haven’t accomplished all those things …
My novella is ready for revision but I’m dragging my feet for some reason. It’s been critiqued by one person—two more coming up. I’ve written two articles. Both will come out in July. I’ve done a lot of … thinking, wishing, hoping and planning. Does that count for anything?
How have you spent the last 31 days? Did you waste them or make a little headway toward that goal or dream?
No judgment or condemnation here if you’ve been resting on your laurels; I’ve been known to do that too. And if you’re walking around looking dazed and confused, well, I know you’re plotting a great idea in your head. Right?
So sound-off, gang: What have you been doing these 31 days? Share!