Can you remember what it was like to create your novel using a typewriter? Challenging, wasn’t it? Some of you probably don’t even remember typewriters. I had–still have–four of them. They’re packed away. I don’t have the heart to get rid of them. What if I needed them someday?
I remembered my typewriter days when I came across Ken Follett’s website. He has a Master Class with writing instruction. Follett doesn’t edit his first drafts. Sure, he uses a computer but he says pulling the first draft up on the screen makes him lazy. He keys in (yes, retypes) every word of his novel forcing himself to rethink his sentences.
Makes sense, doesn’t it?
How about you? Do you give 100% all the time, or are you prone to taking a short cut or two in your plotting, your characterization; choosing a blah sentence instead of one that paints a very visual action?