Today is IWSG day and our purpose is to share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. We’re a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds. IWSG was founded by Alex J. Cavanaugh. Co-hosts for the Feb. 6 posting are: Raimey Gallant, Natalie Aguirre, CV Grehan, and Michelle Wallace.
The IWSG February 6th question is:
Besides writing what other creative outlets do you have?
Like most creatives I have a lot of half-finished projects—and way too many interests. I’ve dabbled in everything from jewelry making to quilting, from sketching and painting to photography. What I’m really good at is collecting but I’m not certain that’s a “creative outlet.”
I collect post cards that have to do with writers and anything literary. If you live in a city where a famous writer lived, died, wrote a book, feel free to send me a post card of his/her house. If you want to add your own book cover post card to my collection, you’re welcome to do so.
Jessica Ferguson, P.O. Box 4024, Lake Charles, LA 70606
I collect depression glass too—but don’t send me any—mine takes up too much shelf space, and I don’t like dusting.
I’ve got a few really pretty rocks–here’s one a boss gave me when I worked for the Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service. Boss found it at Sam Rayburn Lake on one of his fishing trips. I’ve hung on to it for 45 years!
I used to collect frogs. The one on the bottom right came from Colorado. My brother said it called my name and asked to live in Louisiana. Cute, huh? It’s been living here for two years.
I have a difficult time passing up anything that looks unique, fun or interesting. I’ve been told I have eclectic taste; that’s a nice way of saying I love junk. When we had our house renovated a few years ago, the contractor even told us we have “good junk.”
Decorative boxes often catch my eye and so do art journals. Can one ever have too many journals?
Books and magazines are high on my list of collectibles. I have a really hard time passing them on. In fact, when a friend tells me she’s dropping books off at a used book sale or to Goodwill, nine times out of ten, I’ll take them off her hands.
I love genealogy and collect a lot of new relatives. Testing your DNA will certainly bring them out of the woodwork! I save interesting obituaries too. The Houston Chronicle has some good ones; they’re a study in characterization and backstory.
A not so complimentary name for me might be hoarder, but I reject that term. I haven’t started collecting cardboard and plastic bags yet. Well, now that I think about it . . .
What do you collect? Are you a minimalist or does your house overflow with fascinating clutter?