The editors are looking for “your setbacks, mentors, breakthroughs, and successes.”
Topics considered include:
How did you overcome writer’s block?
Who kept you on the right path when you were ready to give up?
When did you realize that the story in your heart was ready to be shared with the world?
The editors are NOT looking for promotional pieces.
They want to know about “your journey to publication, including self-publishing and blogging. This is your opportunity to help other writers — published and unpublished — to draw inspiration and learn from your experiences.”
Deadline: June 30, 2012
Payment: A check for $200 and 10 free copies of your book (worth more than $100).
Note: Author retains the copyright and the right to resell it.
For complete details and submission guidelines, visit
Angels Among Us
We are looking for stories from people who believe that they have encountered or been helped by angels. How did your angel manifest himself or herself? How did your angel help you or someone you know? Please do not send stories about people who are “angels” because they do nice things, and also please do not submit eulogies where you say that your loved one is now an angel. The deadline date for story and poem submissions is July 31, 2012.
Great Advice for Making Changes in Your Life
Have you ever read a Chicken Soup for the Soul story that had a wonderful nugget of advice in it that made a difference in your life? We are looking for stories that contain great pieces of advice, whether they are little things that improve our everyday lives, or major epiphanies that can change a life completely. Topics we will cover include advice related to work and personal relationships, marriage, parenting, health and fitness, finances, constructive criticism, taking chances, and following your passion. The deadline date for story and poem submissions is August 31, 2012.
Independent Woman
Whether you are single or married, widowed, or divorced, you are in charge of your life and the lives of many other people. Tell us your story about running your independent life, achieving independence, and being a complete person. We are referring to all kinds of independence, not just financial or emotional. Share your story of empowerment and independence to help women of all ages feel stronger, more capable, and more confident. The deadline date for story and poem submissions is July 31, 2012
They always say it’s the best job and the worst job. But basically it’s the best! We are looking for your stories about parenting – the hard work, the joy, the unconditional love, the funny times and the occasional sad ones too. Whether you’re a new parent of one or an “experienced” parent of several, by birth, by marriage, by adoption, or by fostering, tell us your stories about parenthood. Funny stories, stories that will make us tear up, stories with nuggets of great advice – all your anecdotes are welcome. The deadline date for story and poem submissions is June 30, 2012.
Raising Kids on the Spectrum
If you are the parent of a child with autism or Asperger’s, we invite you to share your story about raising your child – the ups and downs, the effect on your family, your child’s special attributes and talents, and the lighter moments too. You may use a “pen name” on your story. These stories will provide advice, comfort and insight to other parents in the same situation. The deadline date for story and poem submissions is September 30, 2012.