All through this A to Z Challenge, when friends and hubby ask if I have my post finished, I always say … “Working on it…” even if I’m just thinking about it. I’ve noticed I do that a lot… no matter what is being asked.
“When are you going to make the salad?”
“Working on it,” I say, as I walk past the kitchen and down the hall.
“When are you going to write a note to Aunt Lou?”
“Working on it,” I answer, and pop another bon-bon in my mouth.
“Are you going to iron my white shirt?”
“Working on it,” I say while sitting on the couch.
“Have you written your W post?”
“Working on it,” and accept a new FB friend.
Working on it means nothing to me. Sort of like when you asked your mama if you could go skating next Saturday and she said, “We’ll see.” My kids knew that we’ll see usually meant no.
If there’s one thing I’ve learned during this A to Z Challenge, it’s that waiting to the last minute to write a post can introduce us to bad habits. I think working on it might be one; it’s my procrastination phrase. It’s a way of making myself sound busy—even when I’m not.
My rationalization is that by writing our posts late, we train ourselves to think and create fast. It works. But when it introduces us to bad habits, beware.
What have you learned during this A to Z Challenge? Developed any bad habits?