Don’t you just love IWSG Day? It comes around the first Wednesday of each month and we get to visit hundreds of blogs that are filled with encouragement. IWSG stands for Insecure Writers Support Group and was founded by Alex J. Cavanaugh. If you’re interested follow other IWSG members here or on twitter using the hashtag #IWSG. We also have a Facebook page. Hey, we even have a tee shirt!
What have you accomplished since our last IWSG posting? You know, don’t you, that if you actually write down your goals, you’ll come near achieving them. At least that’s what I’ve heard. I’m a list maker so I’ve always written down goals, right along with my grocery list and things to do. Unfortunately, sometimes I don’t look at my list.
I’ve accomplished a few things during the past few weeks. I’ve always wanted to write a series of books about friends. A few weeks ago, I started my series. Every morning I crawl out of bed, grab my coffee and go into my office to write. I’ve finished rough drafts of Book 1, Book 2 and tomorrow I start Book 3. My intention is to write three 15,000 word stories and wrap up the series with a 30,000 word novella. My four friends will show up in each stand-alone story.
I’m pretty excited about this series, but even more excited that I’ve been able to keep my momentum and write. I hope I’m not disappointed when I go back through and read these rough drafts. A couple of times I’ve sat for a moment or two, wondering what was supposed to happen next, but as real writers do… I just opened a vein. Okay, I’m kidding. I opened my heart. I love my characters. Their problems are real. I’m doing the Camp NaNoWriMo thing too–trying to hang on to that momentum.
Another thing I’m excited about is that I’ll be speaking at the Texas Gulf Coast Writers mini-conference in August. More about that later.
What are you working on? What have you accomplished since last month’s IWSG day? We need to get busy and catch our dreams. Let me hear how you’re catching yours.
IWSG Day and Happy 2015!
Happy New Year, and Happy IWSG Day. The purpose of IWSG is to share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds! (And that would be ME!) IWSG was founded by Alex J. Cavanaugh and has hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of members. You can be one too. You can follow other IWSG members or meet them on twitter using the hashtag #IWSG. We also have a thriving Facebook page. Look us over. I think you’ll like us.
Today we’re supposed to introduce ourselves. My name is Jess, Jessy, Jessica–choose one–and I am an insecure writer. I’ve had a couple of books published, numerous magazine articles, and I’m a staff writer for Southern Writers Magazine. But guess what! I’m still insecure. No matter what I accomplish I’m never quite sure it’s for real, that it isn’t some crazy fluke thing that happens. How about you? Did God bless you with an enormous amount of self-confidence?
2014 was an interesting year for me. Hubby entered into his first full year of retirement which meant I had some adjusting to do. I’m still adjusting. Our daughter got married and we renovated our house. Retirement, wedding and the renovation from hell should have sent me into a deep, dark depression but I made it. Guess I’m stronger than I thought.
I didn’t get much writing done in 2014, but I am proud of a few things. My novella, The Last Daughter, finaled in the Booksellers Best contest, a Published Authors’ Contest sponsored by Greater Detroit Romance Writers of America. I was also a finalist in the Ida contest–the International Digital Awards sponsored by Oklahoma RWA.
I think the best award of all has been that my stepson actually read The Last Daughter and even recorded it in his book journal right beneath Stephen King!
I don’t have any specific plans for 2015. For some reason my plans tend to fall by the wayside, so I’m just going to write, write, write whatever book, article, short story that pops into my heart. That seems to be when I accomplish the most.
What do you want to achieve in 2015? Share details!
Today is IWSG Day! Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh founded this group and he does a great job of keeping it going and encouraging everyone.
Check out our awesome hosts this month: Heather Gardner, T. Drecker from Kidbits, Eva E. Solar at Lilicasplace, and Patsy Collins! And don’t forget that we have a Facebook page and also the IWSG Critique Circle. We are a thriving community!
I’m proud to say I’ve had a writing month. The first time in a long time. As many of you know, 2014 was filled with weddings and home renovation. Believe me when I say the wedding was easy-peasy compared to the renovation (you’ll learn all about that during our A to Z Challenge!). Finally, everything is over (except the decorating) and I can finally write.
I’ve made a new friend, one who is willing to meet me at the library and crank out pages for about 4 hours each week. You can’t imagine how this satisfies my writing soul. Heather and I are quite compatible. Neither one of us is a chatterbox so we’re comfortable sitting quietly in our own little worlds. We may take a break and discuss marketing or plotting or something we have questions about, but otherwise, we’re focused.
Leaving the house to write has proven pretty successful for me in the past. I’m hoping this Calcasieu Parish Library is filled with good creative vibes just as the Mustang Library in Oklahoma was. It feels a little different, but I’m adjusting. Maybe I can get into a writing rhythm and complete some unfinished projects within the next few months. That’s my goal.
If you’re having trouble writing at home, keep jumping up to dust or get something to nibble on or talk to the (retired) hubby, consider leaving the house for at least one writing day. It really works.
Last week I finished a devotional story for a specific market. I get excited when I accomplish one of my goals, but then I remember the old saying, don’t break your arm patting yourself on the back. Anyway, if you have an interest in writing inspirational stories, check out these guidelines.
On another note, if you need some instruction, please check out the ‘latest greatest’ how-to book by many of your IWSG friends. And I will be patting myself on the back since I made my deadline and contributed. Read below for details:
Publishing and Beyond is available for downloading. Please help us spread the word about this awesome book.
Tapping into the expertise of over a hundred talented authors from around the globe, The IWSG Guide to Publishing and Beyond contains something for every writer. Whether you are starting out and need tips on the craft of writing, looking for encouragement as an already established author, taking the plunge into self-publishing, or seeking innovative ways to market and promote your work, this guide is a useful tool. Compiled into three key areas of writing, publishing, and marketing, this valuable resource offers inspirational articles, helpful anecdotes, and excellent advice on dos and don’ts that we all wish we knew when we first started out on this writing journey.
ISBN 9781939844088
235 pages, FREE
Find it at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, Smashwords, Goodreads.
At the time of this posting, Amazon has Publishing and Beyond for 99 cents. Hopefully, that will be changed but … it’s worth it!
Thanks to everyone who contributed – it’s packed with information!
IWSG DAY: Find the Magic
I look forward to the first Wednesday of each month because it’s IWSG day. The purpose of IWSG is to share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds! (And that would be ME!) IWSG was founded by Alex J. Cavanaugh and has hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of members. You can be one too. You can follow other IWSG members or meet them on twitter using the hashtag #IWSG. We also have a thriving Facebook page. Look us over. I think you’ll like us!
And speaking of offering assistance and guidance … I’d like to share a book with you that’s helping me plot a new story. This author is one of my favorites. And she was my editor for The Last Daughter.
Award winning author and editor, Alicia Dean, shares her process of creating a story, along with bonus tips in her how to book, Find The Magic – How to Plot a Story in 10 Easy Steps. Through November 15th, it’s on sale for only 99 cents. I finished reading Find the Magic last week. What I liked best about the book was Alicia’s honest voice. She made me trust her from page one. But why wouldn’t I? I know that she knows what she’s doing when it comes to writing, editing, critiquing and plotting.
Using specific examples from one of her own novels, Without Mercy (also 99 cents), Alicia shares how to plot a book and expand your outline into a well-developed draft. There is no one, perfect way to create a story, but there will be a method, or methods that work for you.
Find the Magic might hold the answers you need.
In addition to being an author of more than twenty published works, Alicia Dean is both a freelance editor and an editor for The Wild Rose Press, under the name, Ally Robertson, in their suspense line. I highly recommend you get too know Alicia through her books, or social media.
Alicia/Ally is one of the good guys and she knows what writing, publishing and marketing is all about.
Website: Blog: Facebook: Twitter: Pinterest: Goodreads:
Today is IWSG day-the first Wednesday of each month. IWSG stands for Insecure Writers Support Group and was founded by Alex J. Cavanaugh. Our purpose is to share and encourage. You can follow other IWSG members here or on twitter using the hashtag #IWSG. We also have a Facebook page.
Our son was married last October 5th. We traveled to Florida for a destination wedding.
On August 23rddaughter walked down the aisle on her daddy’s arm and pledged life and love to her groom. And so began the first day of the rest of her life as a wife.
Insecure Writers Support Group
It’s IWSG Day! IWSG stands for Insecure Writers Support Group and was founded by Alex J. Cavanaugh. You can follow other IWSG members here and on twitter using the hashtag #IWSG.
Our purpose is to share and encourage.
These days I wonder if I’ll ever write again. Retirement, renovation, weddings… set backs! Renovation is complete but now we have to put the house back in order. A challenge. Not as fun as it should be.
And while I’m contemplating where the new sofa will go, or what color rug to purchase to complement the new wood floors, time marches on, technology changes, marketing and social media become more and more important and complicated … and I’m behind on keeping up with it all.
I know it’s true that if we quit writing, we forget how to write. I’ve been there/done that before. The old saying if you don’t use it you lose it is true. This is what writer’s block is made of: fear. Fear that life is rushing by and I’m not accomplishing anything. I just pile ideas in my cell phone and hope someday my life gets back to normal.
Then I ask myself: what’s normal? Haven’t I been hearing a lot about the “new normal.” Surely this isn’t MY new normal! If so, I don’t like it! I don’t want it!
I’m keeping the quote by S.K. Gipson at the forefront of my mind: “Success may be measured in determination, but only those who persevere ever see success.”
P. E. R. S. E. V. E. R. E.
Let’s make a pact to persevere.
IWSG: A Blank Mind
Today is IWSG day–the first Wednesday of each month. IWSG stands for Insecure Writers Support Group and was founded by Alex J. Cavanaugh. You can follow other IWSG members here and on twitter using the hashtag #IWSG.
Our purpose is to share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds.
But unfortunately, I can’t think of one thing to say to you: not one word of encouragement or guidance–no words of wisdom whatsoever. I feel like a blackboard with smears of chalky white. All my ideas and plans have been erased leaving nothing but unidentifiable smudges behind. Ever felt that way?
Obviously, I’m in a funk. Maybe you have a word or two for me.
Alex Cavanaugh is one of my writing heroes. He is founder of the Insecure Writers Support Group, and almost every blog I visit, I see an encouraging comment from him. He does a great job of promoting others too. During the month of September, Alex starts a challenging blog tour promoting his new book, and he’ll participate in his first twitter party. Get dates and details HERE. Alex knows his blog subject well; he maintains momentum!
Maintaining Author Momentum
Insecure Writers Support Group – A Made Up Mind
Today is IWSG day-the first Wednesday of each month. IWSG stands of Insecure Writers Support Group and was founded by Alex J. Cavanaugh. You can follow other IWSG members here on twitter using the hashtag #IWSG.
Our purpose is to share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds! Join us!
So today, my question to you is:
Do you have a writing plan? A marketing plan? A plan for success? Neither do I. Every now and then I jot down goals and things I want to accomplish during a month or week but other than that … nothing.
However, I did draw up a plan several years ago and set out to accomplish some specific writing goals and guess what, it worked. I started publishing on a regular basis. That’s why I believe in The Power of the Made-Up Mind.
Back in November, I was asked to replace a conference speaker at the Bayou Writers Group conference. I had a week to prepare. I can’t do much talking or teaching on craft–not confident enough to go there–but I can talk about how to accomplish dreams and goals. I think I’ve made that a life study. I have a passion for helping people succeed or at least get on the right track. And I know–and believe with all my heart–that any of us can succeed and reach our goals (no matter what they are) if we just make up our mind to do so. We just need a plan and make up our mind to do it. We have to put forth some specific action.
This morning, I read PJ Nunn’s blog post called Business or Busyness and I want to share it with you along with a couple of her other posts: Is There a Method to Your Promotional Madness and A Publicist’s Day. PJ Nunn owns BreakThrough Promotions. She shares a lot of great tips and advice. These tips are not only workable for your promoting, but adaptable for your writing and selling. No, I’m not suggesting you get a publicist, only you can determine if you need one, but I am suggesting you read these posts, draw up a plan and implement the power of your made up mind. We can accomplish anything if we have a plan and if we work hard enough. Honestly, we can.
Do you agree? Have you put the power of a made up mind into action? Share.