To accustom or become accustomed to a new environment or situation.
I’m participating in the A-Z Challenge this year. Starting on April 1st I’ll be blogging an entire alphabet of things during the month.
What was I thinking!?
Actually, I was thinking it might challenge me to stretch my imagination, write daily and create a habit. Next year, maybe I’ll create a theme like the more experienced A to Z bloggers do.
Downtown OKC is under construction. Merchants and shoppers (as well as those who work downtown) have to acclimate to the dust, the horrible traffic, detours and sometimes little or no business. I feel like my life is under construction. So, as I become acclimated to living in Oklahoma, my new surroundings among other things, I’ll also acclimate to a new writing regimen. Being in a new place is like a do-over, a fresh start–a new beginning. Let’s see what happens.