Join me as I blog through the alphabet. We post every day in April except Sundays. There are many others participating in the 2014 A to Z Challenge too, which is the brainchild of Arlee Bird at Tossing it Out. I’d like to encourage you to visit their entertaining, informative blogs. I’m amazed at the many talented people who participate in the A to Z Challenge.
Today I’m blogging about Submissions. I haven’t submitted anything to publishers or agents lately. Writing has been minimal because of wedding plans and home renovations. I’ve barely been online except for this A to Z Challenge. I love it, so it has my undivided attention–when it comes to posting. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to visit a lot of other blogs every day. Some days, I can visit up to eight or ten, but yesterday–nothing.
But, back to Submissions.
A few weeks ago I got frustrated and killed myself in a short mystery. When I say I killed myself, I mean I had someone else (a fictional character) kill me. It was fun to write and geared toward Woman’s World Magazine. That’s the colorful tabloid that’s on the racks at grocery store check-outs. They publish one romance and one mystery in each issue. Remember I told you my friend Janie had a mystery accepted and published last month.
These short stories are only 700 words. Tricky. Every word must count. I’m not certain I was very successful. We’ll know soon, because that’s my one and only Submission, other than my assigned article to Southern Writers Magazine.
Oh, and by the way, Woman’s World Magazine requires the traditional stick-it-in-an-envelope-with- an-SASE. Feels strange to do it that way, but when I get it back, I’ll know they’ve read it.
Have you submitted anything in the past month or two? If not, take a look at the markets below. You might have something that fits. If you have submitted, share what you have out and how long you’ve been waiting for a response. Or share the last thing you submitted and got accepted.
Good luck with the markets below. They’re good ones!
Suddenly Lost In Words is a digital anthology looking for short stories, memoirs and poetry for Young Adult readers. Stories should be no more than 3,000 words. Payment is 5 cents a word. No deadline for submissions is listed, but you can find all the guidelines here.
Hofstra Law is sponsoring a mystery writing contest for the best crime story featuring a lawyer as the main character. First prize is $500, second place gets $200 and the third place winner receives $100. Stories should be no more than 3,500 words. The deadline for entries is May 1. See the details here.
MeeGenius, the top-selling ebook ap for children 2-8, is looking for book manuscripts geared toward this age group. Manuscripts should be 15-20 pages, with 20-70 words per page. You do not need to illustrate the work, but you may include illustration descriptions/suggestions. Find more submission details and see a sample manuscript here.
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