OPPOSITION – To be in contention or conflict with: oppose the enemy force. To be resistant to: opposes new ideas.
I can focus like nobody’s business, but too many times, I don’t. I get side-tracked by a paragraph in a how-to book or a chapter in a popular novel, or a great talk show on TV showing me how to spot a liar or a con man. I tell myself it’s research and kill an hour watching, then another and then another.
Me: I need to attack chapter 14 today. I can edit, add some sensory detail and move on into chapter 15.
Me: You’re right. Let’s see … where is that magazine? There it is.
And so it goes. The opposition brings me in contact with things that distract me from my real dreams and goals. Or fills me with discouragement.
And so it goes with my old pal, Opposition. I just can’t shake her. Share some opposition in your own life–is it procrastination, jealousy, insecurity and doubt? Are you your own worst enemy? Be careful what you tell me. If you have no opposition in your life, then MY old pal will use YOU to get to ME. That’s a promise!
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