Note: The A to Z Challenge is really a challenge for me this year and I’m behind reading your posts and leaving comments. I have a lot on my plate but that’s no excuse. I’m sure you all do too. I hope to catch up in the next day or two. For readers not participating in the A to Z Challenge and don’t understand it, you can learn more here and explore everything from A to Z. There are 1,758 bloggers participating in the A to Z Challenge. You may want to try it next year.

Honestly, I don’t think I’m negative, but if I am … I got it from my dad. And he inherited from his mom who … well, that’s as far as my personal experience goes when it comes to pinpointing.
Dwelling on the negative simply contributes to its power. ~Shirley MacLaine
Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results. ~Willie Nelson
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