I’m determined to keep up the once-a-week blogging. It’s tricky getting back into it when one has been away so long. I don’t feel I’m saying much that’s beneficial to anyone. Maybe today:
Just out of curiosity, who reads blogs these days, and why? For inspiration? For research? I’d really like to know so I have questions for you at the end of this post.
My favorite blogs are writing related but when it comes to being a faithful reader, I’m not. I’ll scan to see if they’re writing about something that interests me. I ALWAYS read a post that has to do with markets and submissions. And plotting or outlining. (Crazy, isn’t it? I should really understand plotting and outlining by now.)
Hands down, my favorite blogger is bestselling author Tina Radcliffe
Her latest post Deadline Dementia speaks to me, and I’m sure it will make an impression on you too. Don’t we all work better, faster and more seriously if we have a deadline?
If you visit Tina’s site, please click on her For Writers Series and feast on all the informative articles she writes for us. I never hesitate to learn something I can actually apply.
The only downside I’ve found to Tina’s blog is that there’s no subscribe feature (if you find one, let me know). When I forget to pop in, my reading piles up or I miss valuable info.
Also, you might want to subscribe to her writing newsletter Inside Edition, that features links to articles, markets, contests and much more. If you don’t benefit from Inside Edition you can always unsubscribe. Give it a try. It’s the only newsletter I actually get impatient for!
Questions for you:
Just out of curiosity, do any of you follow blogs that are not writing related? What and why?
Do you know if there are any non-writers who read your blog?
Do you produce a newsletter? Why? Promoting your books only, or do you have personal tidbits?
How many newsletters do you subscribe to? Do you open them and actually read them?
Go Write!
To sum it up, I’m targeting Love Inspired with my latest manuscript. I’ve read (more than once!) and studied Tina Radcliffe’s Desconstructing a Romance Novel and several of my favorite LI writers. So far, I have 88 pages. Fingers crossed and many prayers that I can get through the middle!
And you? What are you working on this week?
Thank you for the mention. I do read a ton of blogs but mostly writing related. xxx to you.
Thanks for popping in, Tina. Sorry I left off the e. Fixed!
I read a lot of writers’ blogs, but I also read some on other topics of interest to me (Second Wave feminism, Judaism, science-based medicine, et al). In general, blogging seems to have changed a great deal over the last decade, and many of the bloggers I knew when I first started my blog, after losing my Angelfire site, have stopped altogether or now have a much more infrequent schedule.
There are definitely many non-writers who read my blog, as I see from following my stats. Many of my posts are about historical topics, names, book reviews, and classic film reviews, which often continued to be read years after I first wrote them.
Carrie-Anne, you are definitely well-read, and after doing a quick look-see this Sunday morning, I can see why non-writers would read your blog. I love your About page. I went through natural childbirth with my daughter but I never thought about learning the history of it. Since I love genealogy, I’d really like to prove I’m related to Lon Chaney. Chaney is a family name and I named my daughter Chaney. Thank you for commenting!