Today is IWSG day. We usually post the first Wednesday of the month but the first Wednesday was New Year’s Day and we figured you’d be sleeping … or traveling.
IWSG stands for Insecure Writers Support Group and was founded by Alex J. Cavanaugh. You can follow other IWSG members here and on twitter using the hashtag #IWSG.
Our purpose is to share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds.
2014 is the beginning of NEW. We can start from scratch with our dreams, goals and manuscripts. Hey, believe it or not, it’s a writer’s world out there. Ours for the taking. Some people think writers have never had it so good.
Don’t bring your 2013 baggage (negative thoughts, self-pity, poor-me attitude) into this year. Start fresh with a positive attitude. Finish those stories and novels, then start new ones–immediately.
The key to success is confidence in yourself, showing no fear, and knowing what you want. Traditional publishing? I heard recently that the chances of getting your digital rights back are pretty slim. Does that matter to you? Since books can sell on Amazon forever, maybe it should.
So you might add another key to success: educating yourself. Know exactly what you’re getting from traditional publishers and what a small press or self-publishing has for you. Believe me, they differ.
It’s a new year … and a new publishing world. Grab hold of both … with both hands.
And hang on!
Happy 2014. I wish you every success.
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