Today is IWSG day-the first Wednesday of each month. IWSG stands of Insecure Writers Support Group and was founded by Alex J. Cavanaugh. You can follow other IWSG members here on twitter using the hashtag #IWSG.
Our purpose is to share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds! Join us!
So today, my question to you is:
Do you have a writing plan? A marketing plan? A plan for success? Neither do I. Every now and then I jot down goals and things I want to accomplish during a month or week but other than that … nothing.
However, I did draw up a plan several years ago and set out to accomplish some specific writing goals and guess what, it worked. I started publishing on a regular basis. That’s why I believe in The Power of the Made-Up Mind.
Back in November, I was asked to replace a conference speaker at the Bayou Writers Group conference. I had a week to prepare. I can’t do much talking or teaching on craft–not confident enough to go there–but I can talk about how to accomplish dreams and goals. I think I’ve made that a life study. I have a passion for helping people succeed or at least get on the right track. And I know–and believe with all my heart–that any of us can succeed and reach our goals (no matter what they are) if we just make up our mind to do so. We just need a plan and make up our mind to do it. We have to put forth some specific action.
This morning, I read PJ Nunn’s blog post called Business or Busyness and I want to share it with you along with a couple of her other posts: Is There a Method to Your Promotional Madness and A Publicist’s Day. PJ Nunn owns BreakThrough Promotions. She shares a lot of great tips and advice. These tips are not only workable for your promoting, but adaptable for your writing and selling. No, I’m not suggesting you get a publicist, only you can determine if you need one, but I am suggesting you read these posts, draw up a plan and implement the power of your made up mind. We can accomplish anything if we have a plan and if we work hard enough. Honestly, we can.
Do you agree? Have you put the power of a made up mind into action? Share.
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