I told you HERE that I was putting my novel, A Bad Guy Forever, aside and working on a couple other projects. I finished ABGF once, twice and starting feeling lost and confused. I needed to get away from it for awhile.
I told you HERE that I entered A Bad Guy Forever in a contest and was one of three finalists.
And I learned last night that I’m a winner in the Suspense/Thriller/Mystery category.
I’m always amazed at all the crummy stuff contest judges find. I think I’m entering clean copy with absolutely no typos or left out words or misplaced commas. Dream on, huh? After seeing what they found, I’m stunned to be a finalist, much less winner. Just goes to show how badly we need fresh eyes to look over our work.
But now I’m thinking: should I put my other projects aside and finish this book once and for all? What do you think? Remember, I’ve finished the book a couple of times. Twice it was written and rewritten as a Christian romantic suspense. Then, I read Lee Child’s Killing Floor and thought I should pick up the pace in my own book. I did away with backstory and a lot of introspection. After doing that, I entered A Bad Guy Forever in the Killer Nashville Claymore contest and it came out a top 10 finalist. Taking a couple of suggestions from the editor I talked with, I did some tweaking.
My gut tells me I can sell this book if I just FINISH it–ONE. MORE. TIME.
So, I’m putting aside the NF book I’ve been working on and will devote time to A Bad Guy Forever and my handwritten novella. Toss in a couple of romantic short stories and you have 2012 in a nutshell — with a move to Oklahoma. That’s still in the works and getting closer every day.
You do think I should fining this book, don’t you? One more time?
Sign me … Walking on Sunshine!
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