We’re heading to Louisiana–a ten hour road trip–to celebrate our baby’s birthday. Actually, her special day is May 26th but she has concert plans so we’ll be partying early. I can remember every detail of her birth. Seems like yesterday. And why shouldn’t it? I was too stupid to ask for drugs and by the time I realized I needed them, too far gone to request them. “They” say you forget–I haven’t.
I’m an old mom. Had baby girl when I turned 35 and I believe it was the perfect age to become a mom. I valued her, treasured her, loved her and was able to stay home, play with her and watch her grow. And boy! did she grow way too fast. Twenty nine years have flown by and I haven’t had nearly as much time with her as I’d like. I guess parents always say that but maybe not. Sometimes I hear moms or dads complaining about kids coming back home. Not me. If I could, I’d be like Miss Ellie of Southfork and have daughter and stepson living on the ranch with me–in their own homes, of course!
Baby girl has filled us with joy and made our world a better place. Happy birthday, Chaney! We love you.
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