A to Z Challenge takes a break on Sunday. I hope I’m correct about this. 🙂
I just ran to Hastings in Yukon, OK to pick up the latest Writer’s Digest. It’s fantastic and you all need to trek over to your nearest bookstore and get the May-June issue if you don’t subscribe. Because we were moving, I didn’t renew so I’ll have to make sure I don’t miss an issue.
This issue gives some valuable information about epublishing and how it works by Jane Friedman. Jane is a former WD publisher and honestly, I think every word that comes out of her mouth (or from her fingertips) is valuable and brilliant. If you aren’t familiar with her, you should be; make a point to follow her blog. Check her out here. After reading her article, you need to flip the page to Joel Friedlander’s piece on Best Strategies for Savvy Self-Publishers. He gives you a list of resources to help you on your way to indie publishing. You can also follow him HERE. To top it off, the icing on the WD cake is that it lists 101 Best Websites for Writers and they are G-R-E-A-T.
Don’t let this issue sell out before you get your hot little writer-hands on it.
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