I’ve finished my novella! Thanks to everyone who commented and encouraged regarding my ending. Several comments really helped me. I can’t say that I’m 110% in love with my ending, but at least it’s an ending.
Finally … finally, I’ve fallen in love with my Kindle. Not because of anything I’ve bought and read, or the convenience of having 500 books flopping around in my purse no matter where I am. Rather, I love it for what it helps me do. I had no idea . . .
I’m sure most of you knew that you can email your manuscripts to your Kindle address to proof and/or critique your own novel. I had no clue this was possible. Let me tell you who haven’t taken advantage of this, it really works! All the problems in my book seemed magnified!
When I saw my novella in the same format as your books I’ve purchased, I was able to see clearly much of what I needed to fix, improve, flesh out or cut. Over the weekend, Saturday through Monday, I went through the story twice, read every word twice, and I felt confident enough to send it to a reader who will look at it one more time to make sure certain elements fall into place before I query the editor.
My novella was written to be a part of a series published by The Wild Rose Press, an e-Book series. There are elements that must fall in line with the other books already published.
What have you got going these days? What do you want to accomplish between now and December 31st? In the wonderful words of Tim Gunn: make it work!
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