D is difficult for me. I’ve thought of several words–Distractions, Death, Details, Determination, Dreams, Destination. The trouble is that I can’t think of much to write about any of those words. Maybe a little about all of them?
Daily – Do you write every day? I’d like to write a couple of hours daily or maybe four hours two or three days a week. When I start writing and it goes well, I can stay with it for several hours.
Distractions – Yes, I’m easily distracted. If I’m at the library, I can start watching people if I’m not careful. I can also be distracted by book titles if I’m sitting near the stacks. At home, in my cluttered office, I can be distracted by anything and everything: husband, TV, books on my shelves, the smell of food or a growling stomach.
Death – Don’t you think that losing sight of a goal or a dream is a little like death?
Details – I find it amazing that sometimes I’m a detail person. Usually that’s when I’m doing something for someone else, like on assignment, helping with a conference or designing a Save the Date card for daughter. I’m extremely detail oriented–sometimes. Unfortunately, my fiction is lacking. I tend to avoid that extra layering of detail that makes my story flesh and bones, gives my writing something special, a fullness or sophistication. Details make characters real.
Determination – All writers need determination. If we don’t have it, we’re whooped before we really get started.
Dreams – I know some of you turn your dreams into fiction. My dreams are usually hilarious or creepy. Sometimes my husband will wake me up because I’m laughing like a crazy woman. I’ve never gotten a story idea from my dreams.
Destination – I like the way that word rolls off my tongue. De-sti-na-tion. If you could choose one or the other, would you walk into the future or into the past?
So much for my D-words. Today, I’m sorely lacking.
I am blogging my way through the alphabet with others who are doing the same..
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