Today I blogged at the Scrimshaw Doll site. You can read Life Outside the Book here, and please, leave a comment. Blog posts get pretty lonely without comments. No comments make the blogger feel as if no one liked what they had to say.
I have to conjure up a good amount of patience to post on WordPress. For sure, it challenges me! I agree with most of you–Wordpress blogs look wonderful, very professional, but give me simple any day of the week. Maybe I’m just used to my home here. I can breeze right through arranging my posts with pics and urls. Days later, if I spot a typo or want to rearrange a sentence, cut or add, I can do it over and over with no problems. I have no idea how that affects people who automatically get my posts in their emailbox. (Anyone out there?) Do they get multiple copies? The first with errors?
I have friends who have moved their blogging home to WordPress. That seems like desertion to me. Guess I’m too sentimental.
If you’ve started over with your blogging after failed attempts or … just because … tell us about it. Why does one choose WordPress over Blogger? Why does one leave one or the other after years of blogging to start anew?
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