What I failed to tell you in my A post is that I’m participating in the 2015 A to Z Challenge. I guess you picked up on that. I’ve done this for three or four years now and I look forward to every April. I’d made up my mind last year that I would blog about our renovation project. I’m off to a shaky start. Can’t help but wish I’d done some pre-planning, but anyway… today B is for Bar.
While in Oklahoma where hubby was on a temporary job assignment, we told a friend there that we planned to renovate our home here in Louisiana. Our friend responded with, “I’d rather stick a pencil in my eye than renovate.” Ouch! That scared us but we went ahead anyway. Believe me when I say his words have come back to us over and over again during the past year.My A post was about taking action and I shared my long list of projects. One of those projects was turning our wet bar into floor to ceiling book cases. We’re really bad at our house when it comes to flat surfaces. We pile things on them. You can see here what I mean. We just pile things … higher and higher and higher. Okay, I pile things–not hubby.
The contractor and his boys had fun tearing things out. They weren’t shy about slinging their sledge hammers. Within moments we had a blank space. A few days later–voila! Book cases.
B is for Bar
Tomorrow I get to tell you all about my contractor. That’ll be a trip. J
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